Sunday 18 August 2024

The Kingdom of Avalon

Alan Lee's Camelot, which looks suspiciously like the Avalonian capital of Kingsgate. Go figure!

Note: This is some of the ridiculous ADHD background material I did up for Avalon. It helps to spark ideas and keep things consistent.


Ruler: King Roland the Trollbane, son of Baldwin IV, son of Leopold (Leopold successfully defended Avalon against several Sea King invasions, promoted learning, and established a code of laws).

Former rulers: Baldwin IV, Leopold, Cedric, Vivienne, Roderick III, Godfrey II, going all the way back to Arturus I.


Avalon is a land of rolling green hills and apple orchards, dotted with ancient castles and picturesque villages. Majestic forests whisper secrets of hidden groves, while serene lakes shimmer with otherworldly beauty.

Kingsgate, the legendary capital, has shimmering white walls and grand towers that evoke a sense of wonder. The main outer walls are 40 feet high, with an outer ring 20 feet tall and plastered blinding white. Within the walls the streets of Camelot are paved with cobblestones and lined with houses, shops, and inns. The architecture is a blend of practicality and elegance with timber-framed buildings featuring thatched roofs and intricate wooden carvings. The markets are filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread, exotic spices from Setesh, and the sound of merchants hawking their wares. Artisans and craftsmen display myriad goods, from fine tapestries to polished armor and delicate jewelry.

The castle, Skythorn, is situated on a hill overlooking the river Dee. The immediate surroundings are fertile farmland. To the east are dense forests and hills, concealing ancient burial mounds and sacred fey groves.

Across the land, there are fabled sites that hold significant meaning: the ancient ruins of Tingarr Castle, for example, is said to be the birthplace of King Arturus himself. The mystical Forest of Brochlan hides wonders guarded by mysterious woads and treants. The gold mines of Balby intersect with ancient, abandoned dwarven halls of legend. Pendle borders on the Dreamglade Woods, known both for granting visions and dangerous enchantments. 

The realm is defended by the Knights of Avalon, who stand ready to face threats both mundane and supernatural. The Grifguard, the elite bodyguard of King Roland, ride royal griffins into battle; these fierce mounts are bred in the northern shire of Balby, in the foothills of the Wornspine Mountains. Bards and troubadours sing great tales of the Grifguard's valour, and joining their ranks is the dream of every Avalonian knight.

The realm is also home to treacherous sorcerers, cunning enchantresses, and dark forces that seek to undermine the kingdom's stability. In the southeast, the people of the Fenns agitate for independence and a free hand to deal with the lizard men that breed in the plentiful swamps. East Strond is known as home of the Emberhearts, with their stronghold the great city of Harport on the Stour River; they yearn to reclaim the throne from the Bloodthorns. 

The Avalar were once nomads from the north of Albyron; they settled in Avalon, Avar, Aragon and Mercia. 

Population: 2.3 million


Wine: Avalon was renowned for its wine production, particularly the red wines of Bordeaux. Wines from this region were highly sought after and exported to various markets.

Beer and ale: Well known in the northern shires of Avalon are a plethora of beers and ales, many of them harnessing the secrets of Dwarven brewing. 

Grains: Avalon produces a significant amount of grains, including wheat, barley, and oats. These grains were not only used for local consumption but also exported to neighbouring regions.

Metals and Minerals: Avalon mines metals and minerals for various purposes from the Wornspine mountains. Iron, copper, tin and precious metals were in abundance.

Timber: The region had extensive forests, and timber was a valuable resource. Avalon supplied timber for construction, shipbuilding, and other wood-based industries.

Salt: Salt production is a vital industry in Avalon. Coastal areas had salt pans where seawater was evaporated to obtain salt, which was then used for preserving food and traded.

Leather Goods: Avalon had a thriving leather industry, producing high-quality leather products such as shoes, belts, and armour. These items were traded within the region and beyond.

Hides and Furs: The region's agricultural activities, including cattle farming, resulted in a surplus of hides. These hides were processed and traded as a valuable commodity, along with furs from hunting activities.


Spices: Avalon imported spices from the East, including cinnamon, cloves, and pepper. These spices were highly prized for their culinary uses and were in demand among the region's elite.

Silk and Luxury Fabrics: Fine silk fabrics and luxury textiles, often imported from Cathar and other eastern regions, were sought after by the affluent population of Avalon.

Luxury Goods: Avalon's wealthier residents had a taste for luxury goods such as fine pottery, glassware, jewelry, and other ornamental items. Many of these items were imported from distant regions.

Exotic Fruits and Spices: The region imported exotic fruits, such as citrus fruits and figs, as well as a variety of spices and herbs to enhance the local cuisine.

Royal Family tree:

King Roland and Queen Anne

── Prince Anduin and Princess Adela

── Duke Richard and Duchess Eleanor

│ │ ── Baron William and Baroness Margaret

│ │ └── Lady Beatrice (unmarried)

── Baron Henry (unmarried)

│ └── Lady Matilda (unmarried)

── Princess Emma and Prince Geoffrey

── Count Alan and Countess Catherine

│ │ ── Sir Roger (unmarried)

│ │ └── Lady Emma (unmarried)

│ └── Lady Isabella (unmarried)

── Prince Stephen and Princess Adeliza

── Marquess Robert and Marchioness Agnes

│ │ ── Baron Thomas (unmarried)

│ │ └── Baroness Charlotte (unmarried)

│ └── Baroness Olivia (unmarried)

└── Prince Rychar and Princess Matilda

── Viscount Hugh and Viscountess Alice

── Sir Matthew (unmarried)

│ └── Lady Matilda (unmarried)

└── Lady Alice (unmarried)

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