Tuesday 30 April 2024

Languages of Bronn

Babble on, Babel

Language is connected to geography; here's a little on the larger languages in use around the Midsea. If you want to revise language choices, feel free to do as I didn't fill this out earlier:
Common (Low Eltharian): a polyglot language that absorbed influence from languages around the Midsea, it was the language of trade in the old Eltharian Empire.
High Eltharian: The language of the elite of Elthar, of law, religion and diplomacy. It is still used around the Midsea by elites wanting to evoke the majesty of Elthar.
Catharese: The language of the Empire of Catharn at the east end of the Midsea, it is overtaking the use of Common. The Cathars were absorbed into the Elthar Empire ages ago, but their own culture remained strong under the surface and is now becoming ascendant.
Anvouan: The language of nomads who settled North of the Wornspine, founding Anvou and Rossoan. These lands are known for their magical forests, chivalry and poetry.
Gothic: Spoken in the Northeast, by Rugenmarch and the Gothic Kingdoms.
Seteshan: Spoken by the Kingdom of Setesh, the great desert kingdom of east Gudana.
Lavik: Spoken in the Lakban states, such as Salesia, Uzice, Halych, Vylach, Morea and Sylvania, it is the tongue of the nomad barbarians who overran the region following the collapse of Elthar. Common, however, is still the language of the people.
Ancient Elvish and fey tongues: Many islands and forests are still populated by fey and elves, who speak an ancient tongue that was once ubiquitous. It is known for being evocative and fit for song. Now it has broken into many dialects.
High Elvish: A very sophisticated language built upon eons of formal philosophy, epic poetry, diplomacy and artisan skills, it is more formalized than the more emotive Fey tongues.

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